Frisco Criminal Defense Attorney

The outcome of your criminal case may have far-reaching consequences. Attorneys have years of criminal litigation experience and will bring this experience to the table to ensure that each of their clients receives the best possible outcome in their felony or misdemeanor case. They are knowledgeable, aggressive criminal attorneys who will fight to protect the rights of ALL of their clients. When they sign on to help clients and their families, they will remain committed throughout the legal process to obtaining the best possible result in every case.

Criminal Defense in Frisco

Most criminal offenses are set forth in the Texas Penal Code. Crimes can be charged as misdemeanors or as felonies, which are more serious. All crimes need to be proven by a prosecutor beyond a reasonable doubt. Although this is a tough standard, it is critical to retain an experienced criminal attorney in Frisco to present the strongest possible defense. You can face penalties such as incarceration, fines, probation, and more if you are convicted. Furthermore, a criminal record can affect your ability to find a job or rent a home.

Sex Crimes

Sex crimes include rape, sexual assault, indecency with a child, child molestation, sexual assault of a child, prostitution, child abuse, child pornography, indecent exposure, and public lewdness. There is a heavy stigma attached to sex crimes. A false accusation can ruin your good name. Severe penalties attach to sex crime convictions. Certain sex crime convictions result in the defendant needing to register as a sex offender for the remainder of their life. Sex offender registration can affect where you are allowed to live or work. Failing to register as a sex offender when required to do so is a crime charged as a felony.

Computer Crime

Cyber crimes involve complex issues and a need to understand criminal defense in the unique area and the technology involved. Attorney J.L. Pierce has extensive experience in both. Some of the more common crimes include: internet solicitation, online solicitation of a minor, child pornography, and sexual exploitation of a minor.

Juvenile Crimes

A child’s mistake should not be a life changing event, but it can be disastrous if your child is charged with a crime and does not get a proper defense. In Texas, you can be charged in juvenile court for a crime perpetrated on or after your 10th birthday but before you turn 17. The crime can range in seriousness from a class C misdemeanor to capital murder. After someone turns 17 in Texas, they are charged as an adult in adult court. Not all lawyers realize that juvenile crimes in Texas are not treated as adult crimes are. The goal of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation, rather than punishment. Collin County criminal lawyer J.L. Pierce is Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Juvenile Law.


Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious crime. You are considered legally intoxicated if you have a .08 blood alcohol concentration. You also can be charged with DWI if you are impaired due to drugs or alcohol, irrespective of your blood alcohol concentration. DWI is different from other misdemeanors under the Texas Penal Code in that you cannot get deferred adjudication in a DWI case. There are numerous penalties that may be imposed in connection with DWI, including community service, a driver’s license suspension, and jail time. These penalties vary depending on how many prior convictions you have.

Drug Crimes

There are harsh penalties associated with drug crime convictions in Texas. You can be charged with a drug crime for activities involving a wide range of unlawful substances, including marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines. You can be charged in connection with the possession, delivery, or manufacture of drugs. Drug crimes can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies, and they can be penalized with a term of many years in prison. This makes it critical to consult a Collin County criminal attorney as soon as you have been charged. Under the Texas Health and Safety Code, the offense and punishment vary depending on which type of drug is involved and how much of the drug is involved.

Theft Crimes

You can be charged with a theft crime if you are caught committing an offense such as fraud, forgery, or shoplifting. It is important to realize that theft is a crime of moral turpitude; it can affect your ability to get a job and may affect whether a jury belies your testimony in future litigation. Theft can be charged as a Class C misdemeanor, a first-degree felony, or something between these tiers. The value of the property taken will determine the degree of the charge. First-degree felony theft may be charged if the value of what a person stole was $200,000 or greater. Defenses that a defendant may be able to raise include mistake of fact, duress, and lack of intent.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes can result in harsh penalties in Texas. They include crimes involving force or the threat of force against others. Sometimes a deadly weapon, such as a firearm or knife, in involved, and in some cases, a victim is seriously injured. Violent crimes include assault, aggravated assault, robbery, kidnapping, homicide, and domestic violence. What must be proven in court depends on the specific crime charged. In many cases, a criminal lawyer in Collin County may be able to defend against a charge of a violent crime by showing that the defendant was acting in self-defense or in defense of others.

Representing Those Accused of Offenses in Frisco

If you have been accused of any of these offenses, you can fight the charges and avoid the severe penalties. J.L. Pierce an experienced attorney is proud to represent those in Frisco who face such charges. Call (972) 423-0331.

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